Hi, I’m Petter!
I build stuff for the web.

I’m an experienced Frontend engineer from Sweden 🇸🇪, actively seeking a new exciting developer role! My journey as a web developer began in late 2017 with me starting to learn programming in my spare time. It didn’t take long before I was hooked, and about a year later, I decided to join the Ironhack web development bootcamp in Berlin. The rest is history. You can read more about what I’ve done professionally by checking out my timeline.
I’ve always loved creating small side project where I could play around with different technologies. This is where I have learned to write robust Javascript code for both front- and backend. These days, I’m particularly enjoying working with Next.js! 😍

Beyond coding I’m into hiking, snowboarding, music and traveling. I’m a sucker for nostalgia and enjoy watching 90’s TV shows on repeat 📺. If you want to get in touch and learn more about me and what I do, send me a message in the contact section.


I have been doing web development professionally for 5+ years. Dive into my journey through the timeline below. If you’re curious about what my former colleagues have to say about me, head on over to my LinkedIn reccomendations 😇

  • 🎓 Ironhack (2019) - web development bootcamp

    I'm a graduate of Ironhack's intensive web development bootcamp, with a strong focus on the MERN stack. The program emphasized clean code, pair programming, and strong foundations in frontend and backend architecture. Through hands-on projects at Ironhack, I honed my skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork dynamics, preparing me to excel in the dynamic world of web development.

  • 👶🏼 Bleech (2019 - 2021) - web developer

    As a web developer at Bleech in Berlin, I collaborated with external design agencies on diverse projects. In a dynamic project-based environment, I handled both frontend and backend development, using technologies like JavaScript, SASS, PHP, and Twig, with WordPress as our primary CMS. I maintained a strong focus on seamless design integration, working closely with designers and utilizing modern design tools such as Figma, Invision, and Sketch.

  • 👷🏻 Homeday (2021 - 2024) - frontend engineer

    At Homeday, I’m helped to redefine the real estate market by maintaining and building new features for their realtor and customer web applications. In a close-knit team of seven, my primary focus was on the listing page and property valuation wizard. Collaboration was integral to our workflow, as I worked alongside designers, product managers, and fellow development teams on a daily basis. Our product's frontend is built using Vue.js, and we maintain a robust version control system with Git. Additionally, I participated in the development process by writing tests using vue testing library (jest).

  • 🧙‍♂️ 2024 - web wizard

    Starting the summer of 2024, I'm looking for a new exciting position!


The easiest way to get in contact with me is through this form. But sending an old fashioned email to hello@petterastedt.com works just as well.